No. | Judul Artikel | Tahun Terbit | Penulis | Jenis Publikasi | Link | Peringkat Artikel Jurnal |
1 | Biogas as a solution for sustainable energy development in maqashid syariah framework | 2018 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
2 | Corporate sustainability MSMEs: halalan thayyiban industry in East Java Indonesia | 2021 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
3 | Proposing the value of Amanah as the foundation of Zakah organizational culture | 2019 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
4 | Riba versus sedekah sebagai konsideran tazkiyah akuntansi dan bisnis | 2020 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
5 | The islamic basic-values of sustainability in the Management of water resources in Pasuruan East Java | 2021 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
7 | The use of information technology system for risk control at a sharia | 2023 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
8 | Waste Management Based on Maqashid Shari’ah And Circular Economy: Evidence in Blitar Regency | 2021 | Ahmad Djalaluddin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
9 | The construction of fundamental values of Islamic economics: learning from Ulul Albāb verses | 2022 | Ahmad Djalaluddin, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
10 | Lalabet financial analysis: Study of Islamic economics at micro level | 2021 | Ahmad Djalaludin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
11 | Characteristics of Moslem Families Economy Based on Maqashid Sharia Perspective | 2021 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
12 | A spatial analysis of non-performance financing determinants in Islamic banks in Indonesia |
2021 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
13 | A Study of Muslim Perceptions of Zakat as a Tax Reduction in Malaysia and Indonesia | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
14 | Allocation Of Zakat Fund As A Moderating Variable Of The Impact Of Human Development Index And Economic Growth On Poverty In Indonesia | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
15 | HOW DOES DUAL BANKING SYSTEM IMPACT ON BANK STABILITY IN INDONESIA? | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
16 | Islamic Finance and Economic Growth | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
17 | Pengaruh islamic human development index dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap kemiskinan dengan pengangguran sebagai variabel intervening | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
18 | Performance Analysis of Sharia Banking in Indonesia: Abu Zahrah Maqasid Shariah Index Approach | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | SInta 2 |
19 | the Effect of Sharia Supervisory Board and Audit Committee on Sharia Banking Performance (Study on Sharia Ntb Bank) | 2021 | Eko suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
20 | The effects of leadership styles on organizational innovation in universities in Indonesia and Malaysia | 2022 | Eko suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
21 | The Impact of Zakat on Economic Growth in 5 States in Indonesia | 2020 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
22 | Zakat and SDGs: The impact of zakat on economic growth, consumption and investment in Malaysia | 2019 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
23 | Zakat As Tax Reduction: Study of Muslim Community Perception in Indonesia and Malaysia | 2021 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
24 | Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Wakaf (Ziswaf) Funds and the Post-disaster Recovery of Mount Semeru Eruption | Atlantis Press ( | 2023 | Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
25 | Sustainable Development and ‘Deep Ecology’ Seyyed Hossein Nasr | 2023 | Eko Suprayitno, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
26 | Islamic banking deposits in Indonesia: Do spatial effects matter? | 2022 | Eko Suprayitno, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
27 | The Effectiveness of Cashless Payment to Increase Customer Satisfaction at Islamic Boarding Schools | 2022 | Eko Supriyanto | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
28 | Analysis of Indonesian consumer online shopping behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic: a Shopee case study | 2021 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
29 | Causality of Financial Literacy and Non-Financial Information to Investment Decisions (Experimental Study) | 2023 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
30 | Determinan Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Holding Perkebunan Nusantara | 2022 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
31 | DETERMINANT OF CONSUMER DECISION ON ISLAMIC BANKING | 2023 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
32 | Implementation Design of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka | 2023 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
33 | Political Connections and Thin Capitalization on Tax Avoidance During The Covid-19 Pandemic | 2022 | Fadlil Abdani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
34 | Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Through Sharia Enterprise Theory | 2020 | Fajar Nurdin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
35 | Earnings Management in Response to Corporate Income Tax Rates Changes | 2023 | Fajar Nurdin | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
36 | CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ON HAJJ SAVING AT SHARIA BANKING | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
37 | E-banking Service Quality dan E-trust serta Implikasinya pada E-customer Satisfaction dan E-customer Loyalty | 2022 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
38 | Economic benefit, convenience dan risk benefit dalam mempengaruhi penggunaan Fintech yang berulang | 2021 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
39 | Past Performance dan Present Goal Tenaga Penjual yang di Moderasi Oleh Workforce Philosophy dan Workforce Conducivenes pada PT Asco Daihatsu Surabaya | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
40 | Religiusitas, lingkungan dan pembelian green product pada konsumen generasi Z | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
41 | The concept and steps of personal selling | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
42 | The effect of product diversity and service quality on loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable: Study of Toko Pertanian Subur, Pace Nganjuk district | 2021 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
43 | The effect of service quality towards Go-ride customer satisfaction in Malang City | 2020 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
44 | Toward ethical consumer behaviour: Islamic perspective a theoritical framework of investigating the determinants | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
45 | Dimensions of integrated marketing communication in the automotive industry | 2022 | Fani Firmansyah, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
46 | Swot Analysis On The Marketing Strategy Determination Of Financial Fund Product At Branch Office Pt Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. Malang | 2019 | Fani Firmansyah, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
47 | Allocation Of Zakat Fund As A Moderating Variable Of The Impact Of Human Development Index And Economic Growth On Poverty In Indonesia | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
48 | Analysis of Financial Performance Efficiency at the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) East Java Province 2018-2020 Period Using Data Envelopment Analysis and the National Zakat Index | 2023 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
49 | Analysis of the Effect of Stock Split Corporate Action on Stock Prices with Liquidity as an Intervening Variable | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
50 | Comparative analysis of Altman, Springate and Zmijewski models in predicting the bankruptcy of retail companies in Indonesia and Singapore | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
51 | Disclosure of social responsibility and environmental performance in relation mediation debt and size of its value in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange | 2015 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
52 | Dividend as a Moderation Variable to Increase Stock Prices | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
53 | Does Gender Diversity Moderate the Relationship Between Profitability and Company Value? | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
54 | Effect of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Personal Selling on Customer’s Saving Decisions: Case Study at Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil UGT Nusantara Sub-Branch Muncar, Banyuwangi | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
55 | Effect of firm size and capital structure on the value of the company with profitability as an intervening variable | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
56 | Influence of intellectual capital, income diversification on firm value of companies with profitability mediation: Indonesian banking | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
57 | Intervention of Dividend Pay Out Ratios in the Relationship of Liquidity and Debt to Equity Ratio to the Profitability of Companies Incorporated in the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) | 2019 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
58 | Liquidity relations, current ratio, profitability, gender diversity, company size, and company alue: Studies in Indonesia | 2023 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
59 | Pengaruh Gross Domestic Product (GDP) terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Indonesia dengan zakat distribution sebagai variabel moderasi pada tahun 2011-2020 | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
60 | Pengaruh Inflasi Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dengan Penerimaan Pajak Sebagai Variabel Moderasi | 2023 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
61 | Pengaruh Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Cash Holding sebagai Variabel Moderasi | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
62 | Pengaruh return on assets, current ratio dan firm size terhadap prediksi kebangkrutan dengan struktur modal sebagai variabel moderasi | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
63 | Pengelolaan dana zakat produktif untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat pada LAZ El-Zawa | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
64 | Profitability and Company Size on Stock Prices with Debt-to-Equity Ratio as a Moderating Variable | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
65 | Profitability relation, corporate social responsibility fund, and environmental performance with firm value | 2019 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
66 | Relationships of self-efficacy, outcome expectation, career intention and career exploration in nutrition science student’s career choice | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
68 | The Effect of Mudharabah and Musyarakah Financing on Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
69 | The effect of profitability and leverage on financial distress with inflation as moderating | 2021 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
70 | The Influence Brand Identity, Brand Leadership, and Brand Comunication toward Job Satisfaction | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
71 | Total assets turnover against dividend payout ratio: The role of return on assets mediation | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
73 | Value of the firm: company size, profitability and dividend share impact in LQ 4 | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
75 | Pengaruh kualitas produk dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen | 2023 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
76 | Investment decisions gender diversity and firm value: Is gender important in Indonesia? | 2019 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
77 | Linking transformational leadership with job satisfaction: the mediating roles of trust and team cohesiveness | 2022 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
78 | Mediating effect of Islamic social reporting on the relationship between good corporate governance and company value: the case of the state-owned enterprises | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
79 | Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking | 2019 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
80 | Pengaruh pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap kemiskinan melalui pengangguran di provinsi jawa timur tahun 2017-2021 | 2023 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
81 | The Effects of the Number of Tourist Visits and Per capita Expenditure on the Growth of the Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Banyuwangi Regency Period 2010–2019 | 2022 | Indah Yuliana, Nur Asnawi, Eko Suprayitno | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
82 | Risk Profile, Secure Bond, and Bond Rating in Banking Industry | 2020 | Indah Yuliana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
83 | Application of Carbon Tax on Taxpayers | 2022 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
84 | Independensi dan kompetensi auditor pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas audit dengan fee audit sebagai moderasi | 2021 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
85 | Measurement of organizational performance: empirical evidence on manufacturing companies in Indonesia | 2020 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
86 | Religious Accountant as Fraud Reducer | 2022 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
87 | The role of job satisfaction as a mediating variable on leadership styles to employee performance | 2020 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
88 | The Role of Materialism-Based Work Culture to Reduce Accounting Fraud | 2023 | Isnan Murdiansyah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
89 | Investment decisions gender diversity and firm value: Is gender important in Indonesia? | 2019 | Kholila | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
90 | Cash Holding, Financial Leverage, Profitability, Firm Size, Income Smoothing: Moderating Managerial Ownership | 2023 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
92 | Disruption era, do students have its competencies? the case of Indonesia | 2019 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
94 | Earning Management Determinant in Indonesian Manufacturing Company | 2022 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
95 | EARNING MANAGEMENT DETERMINANTS: DOES FAIR VALUE ACCOUNTING MATTER? | 2023 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
96 | Effect of gross domestic regional bruto, provincial minimum wage, and investment on labor absorption | 2020 | Kholilah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
97 | Employee readiness in facing changes in the budget system at PT Sentana Muda Wibawa | 2022 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
98 | Enhancing cognitive and entrepreneurship competencies through EBL | 2019 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
99 | Halal Value Chain in the Holding Business: The Experience of Islamic-based School (Pesantren) in Indonesia | 2022 | Kholilah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
100 | Indonesian Covid-19 Pandemic Trends: Sentiment Analysis and Stock Return Connectedness | 2023 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
101 | Praktik Murabahah Pada Kanindo Syariah | 2019 | Kholilah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
102 | The accounting and financial model from the perspective of micro, small, medium enterprises: does the concepts of knowledge really matter? | 2017 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
103 | The Design of Web-based Learning System using Feasibility Study Concept | 2018 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
104 | The Effect of Audit Committe on Internet Financial Reporting: Study from Financial Industry in Indonesia | 2018 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
105 | The role of Islamic corporate social responsibility in building corporate image to increase customer loyalty | 2021 | Kholilah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
106 | Peran divisi internal control pada lembaga keuangan mikro syariah | 2020 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
107 | Exploration Of Risk Mitigation Practices For Problematic Financing In Bank Wakaf Mikro’s | 2022 | Kholilah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
108 | Can the Impact of Company Size Moderate the Connection Between Tax Planning and Company Value ? | 2022 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
109 | Does auditor independence mediate the relationship between auditor rotation and audit quality? | 2019 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
110 | Innovation of digital learning to enhance the Accounting student’s performance | 2021 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
111 | Peran divisi internal control pada lembaga keuangan mikro syariah | 2020 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
112 | Restructuring policy of shariah financing towards UMKM affected by Covid-19: maqashid syariah perspective | 2020 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
113 | The inventory control system’s weaknesses based on the Accounting postgraduate students’ perspectives | 2021 | Lutfi Ardhani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
114 | Competitiveness of sharia tourism destination | 2020 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
115 | Definition of success according to women entrepreneur in Malang, Indonesia | 2020 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
116 | Dividend as a Moderation Variable to Increase Stock Prices | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
117 | E-banking Service Quality dan E-trust serta Implikasinya pada E-customer Satisfaction dan E-customer Loyalty | 2022 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
118 | Economic benefit, convenience dan risk benefit dalam mempengaruhi penggunaan Fintech yang berulang | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
119 | Intellectual capital to the firm value with profitability as intervening variablea | 2019 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
120 | Measuring Female Leadership Competencies of SMEs | 2023 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
121 | Membangun hubungan berkelanjutan sektor UMKM dan perbankan | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
122 | Moral responsibility and wholeheartedness: A source of cohesion in Javanese society | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
123 | Praktik financial technology dan risiko pinjaman online pada mahasiswa | 2022 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
124 | Saving behavior of female workers in new normal | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
125 | SME working capital strategy to increase profitability during the Covid-19 pandemic | 2022 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
126 | Soyo Practice: Revitalization of Local Wisdom Values in The Community Empowerment of The Modern Management Era | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
127 | The influence of islamic ethical return, investment and firm value | 2019 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
128 | To’-oto’-The Local wisdom of Madurese ethnic families and perceptions | 2020 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
129 | Toward ethical consumer behaviour: Islamic perspective a theoritical framework of investigating the determinants | 2019 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
130 | UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL LITERACY TOWARDS RETIREMENT | 2022 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
131 | Value of the firm: company size, profitability and dividend share impact in LQ 4 | 2020 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
132 | Strategies of sustainable cooperative partnerships | 2021 | Maretha Ika Prajawati | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
133 | Female Workers During Post Pandemic: Gender and Investment Decisions | 2023 | Maretha Ika Prajawati, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
134 | Implementasi time value of money pada tradisi jimpitan masyarakat Bojonegoro | 2022 | Maretha Ika Prajawati, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
135 | Audit quality, corporate governance, firm characteristics and CSR disclosures—Evidence from Indonesia | 2022 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
136 | Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Self-efficacy and Financial Attitudes to Improve the Financial Well-Being of MSMEs | 2022 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
137 | Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Through Sharia Enterprise Theory | 2020 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
138 | Corporate sustainability MSMEs: halalan thayyiban industry in East Java Indonesia | 2021 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
139 | Enhancing MSMEs Performance through Innovation: Evidence from East Java, Indonesia | 2023 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
140 | Financial attitude and financial performance of export MSMEs: Financial well-being as a mediating | 2023 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
141 | MSMEs Resilience: The Role of Religiosity, Culture, Use of Technology and Management Characteristics | 2022 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
142 | PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON LOCAL BUDGETING BASE ON LOCAL WISDOM | 2017 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
143 | SMEs’ internationalization strategy in export creative industry: case study from Kendang Djembe creators at Blitar, East Java, Indonesia | 2022 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
144 | Studi dampak pemberdayaan sistem keuangan syariah al-ijarah bagi pelaku UMKM | 2020 | Meldona | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
145 | The Role of Self-efficacy and Financial Attitude to Financial Well-Being: Mediation of MSME Financial Behavior | 2023 | Meldona | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
146 | Fenomenologi Produk Lending Perbankan Syari’ah dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah | 2021 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
147 | Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah | 2021 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
148 | Pemenuhan Maqasid-al-Shariah dalam perumahan Islami: Studi pada perumahan Islami De Prima Malang | 2021 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
149 | SME working capital strategy to increase profitability during the Covid-19 pandemic | 2022 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
150 | The moderating role of religiosity to determine the influence of halal awareness and emotional marketing strategy for shariah based banking in Indonesian | 2020 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
151 | Toward Green Bussiness: The Internalization of Social Capital and Spiritual Capital in the Business Behavior | 2015 | Misbahul Munir | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
152 | Strategies of sustainable cooperative partnerships | 2021 | Misbahul Munir, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
153 | Soyo Practice: Revitalization of Local Wisdom Values in The Community Empowerment of The Modern Management Era | 2021 | Misbahul Munir, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
154 | Characteristics of Moslem Families Economy Based on Maqashid Sharia Perspective | 2021 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
155 | Factors causing mismanagement in public/private contracts: An Indonesian perspective | 2019 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
156 | Impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction and job stress: Mediation model from Indonesia | 2022 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
157 | Public perception about economics and its impact on shariah stock market of Indonesia | 2019 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
158 | The effects of leadership styles on organizational innovation in universities in Indonesia and Malaysia | 2022 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
159 | The moderating role of religiosity to determine the influence of halal awareness and emotional marketing strategy for shariah based banking in Indonesian | 2020 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
160 | Zakat collection and distribution system and its impact on the economy of Indonesia | 2019 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
161 | Zakat distribution and macroeconomic performance: Empirical evidence of Indonesia | 2019 | Muhtadi Ridwan | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
162 | Acting Green: Theoretical Framework on Corporate Social Responsibility | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus | |
163 | Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS): An Alternative Instrument for Infrastructure Financing | 2021 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
164 | Competency improvement of cooperative managers to improve members’welfare by ‘ implementing business strategies | 2021 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
165 | Confirmatory analysis of competency improvement of small and medium enterprises in Malang, Indonesia | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
166 | Continual human resources empowerment through human capital and commitment for the organizational performance in hospitality industry | 2019 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
167 | Descriptive analysis of cooperative management competence enhancement for increasing members’ welfare and bussiness strategies | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
168 | Developing region to reduce economic gap and to support large environment activities | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
169 | Independensi dan kompetensi auditor pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas audit dengan fee audit sebagai moderasi | 2021 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
170 | Konflik Peran Ganda Perempuan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui Stress Kerja Pada Karyawan Bank | 2023 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
171 | Measuring of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) for poverty alleviation in Batu City, East Java Province – Indonesia | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
172 | Menggagas pembentukan dewan audit forensik daerah berbasis teknologi informasi (IT) : sebuah ikhtiar pendeteksian dan pencegahan korupsi sektor publik | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
173 | Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking | 2019 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
175 | The Business Cycle as a Moderator of Financing for Financing Risk of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia | 2023 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
176 | The effect of the organizational change on company performance mediated by changes in management accounting practices | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
177 | The measurement of non-performing finance using the approaches of market segmentation in Islamic banking | 2019 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
178 | The Mediating Role of Organisational Change on the Impact of Organisational Resilience on the Performance of Hospitality Industry Organisations in Indonesia | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
179 | Towards an understanding of corporate image in the hospitality industry East Java, Indonesia | 2021 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
180 | Measurement of organizational performance: empirical evidence on manufacturing companies in Indonesia | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
181 | Toward Understanding Changes in Management Accounting in the Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia | 2020 | Nanik Wahyuni | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
182 | Determinants of Consumers’ Responses on Government Policy toward Eco-Friendly Behavior in Indonesia | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
183 | Green Marketing: The Disclosure of Sharia Values Through the Internalization of Service Marketing Mix Practices | 2019 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
184 | Islamic banking service innovation in customer co-creation: its impact on customer trust, satisfaction, and loyalty | 2021 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
185 | Measuring the economic islamicity index in the archipelagic Indonesia: Does spatial role affect it? | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
186 | Participation of Muslim consumers in boycotts of global companies’ products: Social dilemma perspectives | 2023 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
187 | Perceived service quality in Indonesian Islamic higher education context: A test of Islamic higher education service quality (i-HESQUAL) model | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
188 | Public perception about economics and its impact on shariah stock market of Indonesia | 2019 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
189 | The impact of self-and functional congruity of Indonesian Halal tourism destinations on the behavioral intentions of Muslim tourists | 2022 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
190 | The Role of DART key building blocks as customer co-creation determinants in Islamic banking services | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
191 | Value of the firm: company size, profitability and dividend share impact in LQ 4 | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
192 | Impact of zakat payment trends on the community development in Indonesia: Mediating role of supply chain awareness system | 2020 | Nina Dwi Setyaningsih, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
193 | An Analysis of Islamic Business Ethics in E-Wallet in Indonesia with A Case Study of Go-Pay | 2022 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
194 | CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ON HAJJ SAVING AT SHARIA BANKING | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
195 | Determinants of Consumers’ Responses on Government Policy toward Eco-Friendly Behavior in Indonesia | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
196 | Effect of service quality against visitor loyalty through visitor satisfaction | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
197 | Expanding the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate e-learning usage behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: Islamic Higher Education Institution (IHEI) context: 10.2478/bjlp-2022-00120 | 2022 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
198 | Green Marketing: The Disclosure of Sharia Values Through the Internalization of Service Marketing Mix Practices | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
199 | Halal products consumption in international chain restaurants among global Moslem consumers | 2018 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
200 | Halal products consumption in international chain restaurants among global Moslem consumers | 2018 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
201 | Impact of zakat payment trends on the community development in Indonesia: Mediating role of supply chain awareness system | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
202 | Islamic banking service innovation in customer co-creation: its impact on customer trust, satisfaction, and loyalty | 2021 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
203 | Perceived service quality in Indonesian Islamic higher education context: A test of Islamic higher education service quality (i-HESQUAL) model | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
204 | Public perception about economics and its impact on shariah stock market of Indonesia | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
205 | Quality perception of islamic higher education institution services: Experience of international students | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
206 | Religiosity and environmentally friendly behavior of millennial muslim consumers | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
207 | Studi Mediasi Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Industri Retail: Peran Kualitas Layanan dan Implikasinya terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
208 | Switching Behavior of Customers from Conventional Bank Services to Islamic Bank Services | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
209 | the Effect of Sharia Supervisory Board and Audit Committee on Sharia Banking Performance (Study on Sharia Ntb Bank) | 2021 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
210 | The impact of self-and functional congruity of Indonesian Halal tourism destinations on the behavioral intentions of Muslim tourists | 2022 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
211 | The moderating role of religiosity to determine the influence of halal awareness and emotional marketing strategy for shariah based banking in Indonesian | 2020 | Nur asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
212 | The Role of DART key building blocks as customer co-creation determinants in Islamic banking services | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
213 | The role of service quality within Indonesian customers satisfaction and loyalty and its impact on Islamic banks | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
214 | The switching behavior determinants of sharia banking: roles of gender and education | 2020 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
215 | The use of information technology system for risk control at a sharia | 2023 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
216 | Zakat collection and distribution system and its impact on the economy of Indonesia | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
217 | Zakat distribution and macroeconomic performance: Empirical evidence of Indonesia | 2019 | Nur Asnawi | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
218 | Does a workload influence the performance of bank employees? | 2019 | Nur Asnawi, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
219 | Measuring the economic islamicity index in the archipelagic Indonesia: Does spatial role affect it? | 2020 | Nur Asnawi, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
220 | Participation of Muslim consumers in boycotts of global companies’ products: Social dilemma perspectives: | 2023 | Nur Asnawi, | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
221 | Human Resources Management in the Development of the Halal Industry: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia | 2022 | Nur Asnawi, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
222 | Industrial Halal Blockchain: The Great Potential of The Digital Economy in Indonesia | 2023 | Nur Asnawi, | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
223 | Aapproach and curriculum model multicultural islamic religious education: Multi site study at SD YPPSB 3 and SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sangatta | 2021 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
224 | Analysis of policy education funding based on gender perspective in private school | 2021 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
225 | Islamic Culture Model As The Main Predictor Of Optimizing Zakat Fund Management | 2022 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
226 | Pengaruh pengetahuan dan digitalisasi perpajakan terhadap voluntary tax compliance di mediasi kepercayaan pada industri kecil menengah Jawa Timur | 2022 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
227 | Performance measurement based on spiritual culture in excellent service (study at the regional office of the directorate general of taxes in East Java) | 2022 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
228 | The Influence Of Tax Planning, Earning Growth, Asset Management, And Good Corporate Governance On Company Value | 2022 | Sri Andriani | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
229 | Curriculum model of multiculturali islamic religious education | 2021 | Sri Andriani, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
231 | Assessing the Relevance of Spirituality and Corporate Social Responsibility in A Family Business: A Scooping Review | 2023 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
232 | Audit quality, corporate governance, firm characteristics and CSR disclosures—Evidence from Indonesia | 2022 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
233 | Competitive advantage as a mediating variable of corporate social responsibility programs’ effect on SME sustainability | 2023 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
234 | Confirmatory Factor Analysis of CSR Construct: Indonesian MSMEs Context | 2023 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
235 | Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Through Sharia Enterprise Theory | 2020 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
236 | Corporate social responsibility: grasping legitimacy, reaching sustainability | 2021 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
237 | Corporate sustainability MSMEs: halalan thayyiban industry in East Java Indonesia | 2021 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
238 | Digitalization: Reveal the Resilience and Sustainability of SMEs in the Covid-19 Pandemic | 2022 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
239 | Effect of Commitment, Motivation and Feedback to Job Performance | 2020 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
240 | Financial attitude and financial performance of export MSMEs: Financial well-being as a mediating | 2023 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
241 | Hedonic Treadmill Syndrome, Financial Management Behavior, dan Generasi Milenial | 2020 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
242 | Industrial Role Optimization in Regional Development through Corporate Social Responsibility | 2020 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
243 | Interpreting qardhul hasan between business and Islamic corporate social responsibility | 2021 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
244 | Mode of Entry Strategy on SMEs Internationalization in East Java: A Review of Literature | 2022 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
245 | MSMEs Resilience: The Role of Religiosity, Culture, Use of Technology and Management Characteristics | 2022 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
246 | Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 at PT Tunggal Jaya Raya | 2020 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
248 | The Role of Internal Audit, Fraud Detection, and Prevention in Universities: A Literature Review | 2023 | Sulis Rochayatun | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
249 | Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Business: A Scoping Literature Review | 2022 | Sulis Rochayatun, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
250 | Profit: A Denotation and Connotation Meaning in Rolland Barthes Perspective | 2019 | Sulis Rochayatun, | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
251 | Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking | 2019 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
252 | Customer satisfaction and financial performance: does it mediate customer-centric on Islamic bank values? | 2022 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
253 | Financial Risk and Capital Structure: Does it Contribute to Increasing the Company Value of Islamic Banking? | 2022 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
254 | Integrated maqasid sharia index: Indonesia Islamic banks performance | 2019 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
255 | Kinerja Keuangan dan Manajemen Wakaf Sabilillah Malang | 2020 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |
256 | Peranan komite audit dan dewan pengawas syariah terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan (studi kasus pada BPRS di Jawa Timur) | 2020 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
257 | Profitability as a Moderating Effect of Liquidity, Sales Growth and Leverage on Financial Distress in Islamic Commercial Banks | 2022 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
258 | Sustainability of Religious-Based Bank: Customer-Centric and Islamic Bank Governance | 2023 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
259 | THE INFLUENCE OF THE DIGITAL-BASED TAX ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM ON TAXPAYER COMPLIANCE IN THE PANDEMIC | 2022 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
260 | The role of Islamic Social Reporting, Islamic Corporate Governance and Maqashid Syariah Index on firm value with firm size as moderation variable | 2021 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
261 | INNOVATION AND ISLAMIC FINANCIAL FATWA IMPROVING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY | 2022 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
262 | Intermediary performance of Islamic banks in the disruption era: does it contribute to economic growth? | 2021 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
263 | Islamic financial innovation in agriculture, facilitate farmer access to obtain food production financing | 2019 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
264 | Lalabet financial analysis: Study of Islamic economics at micro level | 2021 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
265 | Pengaruh pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap kemiskinan melalui pengangguran di provinsi jawa timur tahun 2017-2022 | 2023 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
266 | Static or dynamic capital structure policy behavior: Empirical evidence from Indonesia | 2021 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
267 | Studi dampak pemberdayaan sistem keuangan syariah al-ijarah bagi pelaku UMKM | 2020 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
268 | The actualization of economic fiqh in empowering the small traders to challenge Asean economic community | 2021 | Umrotul Khasanah | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
269 | The Analysis of Anti-Corruption Education in Kindergarten DEK Padang | 2020 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
270 | Analysis of the effect of mortgage income, gold price and inflation rate on rahn financial distribution with return on assets as intervening variable | 2019 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
271 | CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ON HAJJ SAVING AT SHARIA BANKING | 2019 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
272 | Financing Alternative Model of Sharia Microfinance Based on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Perceptions for Sustainability of Economic | 2015 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
273 | Muslim customer perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty: Religiosity as a moderation | 2020 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
274 | Switching Behavior of Customers from Conventional Bank Services to Islamic Bank Services | 2019 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
275 | THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND DIVIDEND POLICY ON CUMULATIVE ABNORMAL RETURN | 2021 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi | Link | Sinta 2 |
277 | The Role of Religiosity on The Influence of Muslim Customer Perceived Value To Customer Satisfaction of Islamic Banking | 2018 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
278 | UMKM RECOVERY STRATEGY IN MALANG CITY BASED ON DIGITAL MARKETING | 2022 | Yayuk Sri Rahayu | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
279 | Acting Green: Theoretical Framework on Corporate Social Responsibility | 2015 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Scopus |
280 | Connecting the dots through social media: a lifeline for micro enterprises | 2019 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
281 | Implementation Design of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka | 2023 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
282 | Revealing Remote Auditing Practices During The Covid-19 Pandemic | 2021 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
283 | The Business Cycle as a Moderator of Financing for Financing Risk of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia | 2023 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
284 | The construction of fundamental values of Islamic economics: learning from Ulul Albāb verses | 2022 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
285 | Toward Understanding Changes in Management Accounting in the Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia | 2020 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi | Link | Internasional |
287 | Social Media in Micro-Enterprises: Exploring Adoption in the Indonesian Retail Sector | 2020 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Internasional |
288 | Impact Of Revenue Recognition (PSAK 72) On The Financial Performance Of Real Estate | 2022 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra | Jurnal Internasional | Link | Copernicus |